why worksy
Industry-leading Security
Worksy employs state-of-the-art security measures to safeguard your HR data, ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
Compliance with PDPA
Worksy employs state-of-the-art security measures to safeguard your HR data, ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

LHDN-Certified Payroll
Our payroll module is certified by the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (LHDN), giving you peace of mind when managing payroll-related tasks.

Approved by MOF Malaysia
Our payroll module is certified by the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (LHDN), giving you peace of mind when managing payroll-related tasks.

HRDF Certified
As a certified HRDF (Human Resources Development Fund) provider, you can maximize your training investment by claiming up to 100% of the training course fee for Worksy.

Licensed TSP under MDEC
Worksy is a licensed Technology Solution Provider (TSP) under the Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC), ensuring our software meets the highest industry standards.
our solutions
Discover the power of worksy

Employee Security Awareness Training
We prioritize security awareness training for all employees to promote robust data protection practices.
Customer Access and Control
Customers have full control over access and permission rights for users, ensuring data security.

Customer Data Retention
Customer data is stored securely and is deleted from our active database within 30 days after account termination.
Emergency Data Recovery
We have measures in place for emergency data recovery to ensure the safety and availability of your HR data.
User Authentication Measures
Worksy offers username and password authentication, along with the option for Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for enhanced security.
Data Center Location and Security
Worksy's cloud-based HR software and database are hosted on Google Cloud, providing robust security measures and infrastructure.
Data Encryption Practices
Worksy utilizes advanced encryption standards and secure transmission protocols to protect data during transmission.
Physical and Environmental Safeguards
We implement strict physical and environmental controls to secure our office premises and protect against unauthorized access.
Security Threat and Vulnerability Management
Worksy employs advanced threat protection and conducts regular vulnerability assessments to address potential security risks.
Security Breach Response
We have a robust incident management process to handle security events and promptly respond to data breaches.
Disposal of Physical Devices
Inoperative physical devices are disposed of securely, ensuring data is permanently erased and devices are unusable.